The next payments of the Child Tax Credit go out October 15, but they will end this year unless Congress acts. Help us make the Child Tax Credit expansion permanent!
Everyone should have the ability to provide for and care for their family. The expanded Child Tax Credit—essentially a child allowance of $150 to $300 per child that goes to families every month—helps all families succeed, from families struggling with basic needs like food and clothes, to families that need help with childcare and college savings.
In July alone, the expanded Child Tax Credit lifted 3 million children out of poverty. Surveys show that most of the money went right back into local businesses, restaurants and grocery stores. It is good for children, good for families, good for businesses, and good for New York’s recovery. Unless Congress acts, the expanded Child Tax Credit will expire at the end of the year.
Right now, Congress is considering whether to extend the Child Tax Credit as part of the Build Back Better Act. We are fighting hard to make sure that the expanded Child Tax Credit becomes permanent and that Congress does not let families down. We need your help!
It’s quick and easy to send a message to President Biden and Senate Majority Leader Schumer telling them that you care about making the Child Tax Credit permanent.
Email Senate Majority Leader Schumer
Follow the instructions on the page, then copy and paste this message into the comment box. If you have a personal story about how the Child Tax Credit has impacted your life, please add that in too!
I am writing as a concerned New Yorker to thank you for your leadership on the one-year expansion of the Child Tax Credit in the American Rescue Plan Act, and to urge you to prioritize extending it—as permanently refundable and inclusive of immigrant children—in the Build Back Better Act.
The expanded Child Tax Credit helps all families, from families struggling with basic bills like food and clothing to families who need help with childcare and college savings. The first payment of the expanded Child Tax Credit alone lifted 3 million children out of poverty. Over time, the Child Tax Credit would cut childhood poverty almost in half. Experts also estimate that over the next 12 months, Child Tax Credit payments could help boost consumer spending by more than $27 billion, creating 500,000 median-paying jobs. It is good for families, good for businesses, and good for our country’s economic recovery.
Nearly 11 million children in America live in poverty. Making the Child Tax Credit permanent—with no work requirement and an expansion to immigrant children—would allow parents and caregivers to rest easier at night, knowing that they have the resources needed to provide for their children. It is a smart investment in our children and our countries’ future. We urge you to prioritize a strong, inclusive and permanent Child Tax Credit as part of the Build Back Better Act.
President Biden and Senate Majority Leader Schumer both have key roles in the Child Tax Credit negotiations. Phone calls are one of the best ways for them to learn what their constituents really care about. We want to make sure they know how much New Yorkers care about the Child Tax Credit.
When you call President Biden and Senate Majority Leader Schumer, you will talk to a member of their staff. There is no need to be nervous. They get calls like this all the time! Your call my also go to voicemail. It’s fine to leave a message.
Call the White House: (202) 456-111
Call Senate Majority Leader Schumer: (212) 486-4430
Here is a sample script you can use:
Introduce yourself and tell the staffer why you are calling:
Hello, my name is [YOUR NAME]. I’m a constituent from New York zip code [YOUR ZIP CODE]. I’m calling to thank [PRESIDENT BIDEN/SENATOR SCHUMER] for his leadership on the expanded Child Tax Credit and to urge him to make the expansion permanent in the Build Back Better Act.
Add personal details about why this is important to you. Here is one example, but it is most impactful if you tell your own story or speak from the heart about why you care:
I’m a parent who has received the Child Tax Credit. The payments help me pay my grocery bills and buy back-to-school clothes for my children. Making the Child Tax Credit expansion permanent would help me provide healthy, nutritious food for my children and stop worrying as much about household bills.
Ask President Biden and Senate Majority Leader Schumer to take action:
I urge [PRESIDENT BIDEN/SENATOR SCHUMER] to prioritize making the expanded Child Tax Credit permanent as part of the Build Back Better Act. It is a critical investment in our nation’s future.
Thank the staffer:
Thank you so much for your time.