We the People Gala
For additional information, please contact Barbi Zakin
at barbi@edalliance.org.

Contributions are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
The non-deductible portion of each used ticket is $380.

Sponsorship Levels


Includes one table of 10 at the Gala in a premier location, company’s or individual’s name on printed invitation and program, company’s logo on website, gala slideshow, top position in pre- and post- gala communications with media, and recognition from stage at the Gala.


Includes one table of 10 at the Gala in a premier location, company’s or individual’s name on printed invitation and program, company’s logo on website and gala slideshow, and premier position in pre- and post- gala communications with media.

$50,000: EAST BROADWAY Sponsorship

Includes one table of 10 at the Gala in a premier location, company’s or individual’s name on printed invitation and program, company’s logo on website and gala slideshow, and prime position in pre- and post- gala communications with media.

$25,000: 14TH STREET Sponsorship

Includes one table of 10 at the Gala in a prime location, company’s or individual’s name on printed invitation and program, company’s logo on website and gala slideshow, and mention in pre- and post- gala communications with media.

$12,500: DELANCEY STREET Sponsorship

Includes one table of 10 at the Gala and company’s or individual’s name on invitation, website, and gala slideshow.

$5,000: HOUSTON STREET Sponsorship

Includes two tickets to the Gala and company or individual’s name in gala slideshow.


Includes one ticket to the Gala and acknowledgement on select event materials.