Our Advocacy

Scroll down to learn more about how Educational Alliance advocates for our community and empowers New Yorkers of all ages and backgrounds.

Op-Ed from our President & CEO:

Daily News Op-Ed: Asylum Seekers Will Aid NYC’s Economic Recovery

The Daily News published an op-ed by Educational Alliance President and CEO Rich Baum on how the recent influx of asylum seekers can help strengthen our City’s economy. Click here to read the full article and learn how Educational Alliance’s settlement house approach to helping asylum seekers thrive can also provide New York City with the economic support it needs to flourish.

City Council Testimony:


Community Care Plan

In September 2024, Educational Alliance testified before the New York City Council’s Committee on Aging, advocating for support for the older adult population through a robust investment in the Community Care Plan. Click here to read the full testimony and learn more about how EA helps older adults age with dignity.

Preparing Asylum Seekers and Migrants for the Workforce 

In June 2024, Educational Alliance testified before the New York City Council’s Committees on Small Business and on Immigration, describing how EA is working with city agencies to help asylum seekers complete work authorization applications and access job opportunities. Click here to read the full testimony and learn more about how EA’s workforce authorization clinics help to prepare asylum seekers and migrants for the workforce.

Administering DCLA’s Cultural Development Fund

In September 2023, Educational Alliance testified before the New York City Council’s Committee on Cultural Affairs, calling for reforms including timeliness, accountability, transparency, and equity in the funding process. Since our earliest years, we have provided cultural programs that offer a creative outlet to our community. Click here to learn more about our historic EA art school and click here to read about LABA, a Laboratory for Jewish culture.